The slave ship

a human history

By Rediker, Marcus Buford

Publishers Summary:
For more than three centuries, slave ships carried millions of people from the coasts of Africa to the New World. Here, award-winning historian Rediker creates a detailed history of these vessels and the human drama acted out on their rolling decks. Rediker restores the slave ship to its rightful place alongside the plantation as a formative institution of slavery, as a place where a profound and still haunting history of race, class, and modern capitalism was made.--From publisher description.

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New York : Viking, 2007.


Library Journal

Reviewed on September 15, 2007

In a tour de force displaying his mastery of Atlantic maritime matters, historian Rediker (Univ. of Pittsburgh; Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age ) details step by step the terrors, toil, technologies, commercial linkages, and business plans that made the slave ship the human triumph and tragedy it was. The magnificent and monstrous machine that for...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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