
Harold's Little Brother

By Thaler, Pat Koch & Koch, Ed & Koch, Edward D. & Warhola, James

Publishers Summary:
Eddie wants to be like his big brother, a very good athlete, but is not good at sports, so Harold helps him discover how to use his own special talent--talking.

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New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, c2004.


School Library Journal

Reviewed on November 1, 2004

K-Gr 3 Eddie's older brother is a star in baseball, basketball, and football; as hard as the younger boy tries, he can never measure up to him. Eddie loves telling the neighborhood kids about Harold's exploits, though, and this leads to his eventual realization of his true talents. Set in a big city in the days of knickers and hand-pushed ice-cream carts, this story...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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