A Body Out of Balance

Understanding and Treating Sjogren's Syndrome

By Fremes, Ruth & Nancy, Md Carteron & Grayzel, Arthur

Publishers Summary:
A patient and a doctor offer a unique and authoritative perspective on recognizing and treating this pervasive illness that affects 4 million people-primarily women-in the United States alone. One of the most common yet underrecognized autoimmune and rheumatological disorders, Sjögren's (pronounced SHOW-grens) Syndrome, or SjS, is characterized by symptoms that shift almost daily, usually beginning with vague discomforts such as dry eyes and mouth, then advancing to more severe concerns such as joint pain and swollen glands. Because SjS can manifest itself differently in each patient, A Body Out of Balance provides readers with a comprehensive guide to the wide array of symptoms, traditional and complementary treatments, and invaluable coping methods so patients may devise a personal treatment plan

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Avery Publishing Group


Library Journal

Reviewed on November 15, 2003

"Having SjS is a bit like having a demanding, exacting, unpredictable but needy two-year-old in your life-forever nagging for your attention," writes Fremes, leader of a Sjogren's Syndrome (SjS) support group. Known as the "dry eyes/dry mouth" disease, this autoimmune and rheumatological disorder can affect other organs and systems with devastating consequences. About four million people in the United States, primarily women, have it. With rheumatolog...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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