West of then

a mother, a daughter, and a journey past paradise

By Smith, Tara

Publishers Summary:
"At the center of West of Then is Karen Morgan - island flower, fifth-generation haole (white) Hawaiian, Mayflower descendant - now living on the streets of downtown Honolulu. Despite her recklessness, Karen inspires fierce loyalty and love in her three daughters. When she goes missing in the spring of 2002, Tara, the eldest, sets out to find and hopefully save her mother. Her journey explores what you give up when you try to renounce your past, whether personal, familial, or historical, and what you gain when you confront it." "By turns tough and touching, Smith's modern detective story unravels the rich history of the fiftieth state and the realities of contemporary Hawaii - its sizable homeless population, its drug subculture - as well as its generous, diverse humanity and astonishing beauty. In this land of so many ghosts, the author's search for her mother becomes a reckoning with herself, her family, and with the meaning of home."--Book jacket.

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New York : Simon & Schuster, c2004.


Library Journal

Reviewed on September 15, 2004

Smith's debut is yet another memoir of family dysfunction. Her mother, Karen, is a Mayflower descendant and a fifth-generation white Hawaiian. Always fond of men, drugs, and alcohol, Karen had an abortion, three daughters, and multiple marriages followed by divorces in rapid succession. Smith and her sisters learned early to watch over their mo...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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