Journeys of Invention

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Touch Press Science Museum


School Library Journal

Reviewed on March 1, 2014  |  The App Review

Gr 6 Up—Viewers will experience the engagement and excitement of a virtual hands-on museum in this new iPad app. More than 80 inventions are presented on a web-like diagram that serves as an index. The inventions are grouped and billed as "journeys" under such themes such as "Mass Production," "Industrial Inventions," "Play," and "New Science," allowing users to follow a string of related technologies; they can also opt to browse randomly. Color coordinated paths and clean design featuring sharp images that pop out against the black background provide clear and fairly intuitive navigation; added support comes in the form of two drop-down indexes: one of journeys, and another, an alphabetical index of inventions. Wide historical coverage ranges from a Byzantine sun...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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