Nana in the City


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School Library Journal

Reviewed on July 1, 2014  |  Preschool to Grade 4

PreS-Gr 1—Nana's young grandson is excited about staying with her, but her new apartment is in the city, which, according to him, is "busy," "loud," and "filled with scary things." Nana, however, thinks the city is "bustling, booming, and extraordinary," and the next day, she takes him out to experience the sights and sounds for himself. Soon, the boy discovers that "busy" can be fun as he romps through Central Park, which is filled with people appreciating a fine fall day. "Loud" is actually enjoyable as he ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on September 1, 2014

Visiting Nana in her new apartment in the city, the unnamed child narrator is initially unreceptive to the city's appeal. Upon first impression, "the city is busy. The city is loud. The city is filled with scary things." However, Nana promises to show her young visitor all the ways that "the city is wonderful -- bustling, booming, and extraordinary," and their tour the following day does just that. Here is a vital, independent grandmother for the new millennium, one who is just as likely to cl...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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