Shakespeare at Play

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Rick Chisholm Productions, Ltd.


School Library Journal

Reviewed on August 1, 2014  |  The App Review

Gr 7 Up—Imagine how different our experience of a film would be if all we had to go on was the written script; if we never viewed the film on the big screen. Without the actors, sets, lights, and music our experience would be completely different. The same can be said of Shakespeare's plays, which were in many ways the films of his day, a time when literacy rates were extremely low and plays were written to be seen as live performances. The Bard's words and phrasing were unfamiliar and confusing to many back then, and even today, it's a rare student who doesn't struggle with Shakespeare on first encounter.Tim Chisholm, the founder of Shakespeare at Play, and Rick Chisholm, the producer, have taken these lessons to heart in the design of their app, which allows students to watch custom video productions of Shakespeare's plays and at the same time scroll through the complete texts, word for word, scene by scene, stopping, starting, and rewinding the video as needed or accessing definitions. What's different, and so helpful, is that the video has been produ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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