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Library Journal
Starred Review on December 1, 2015 | Fiction
January 1945. The war in Europe is in its end stages as German forces are beaten back by the Allied armies. To escape the Soviet advance on the eastern front, thousands of refugees flee to the Polish coast. In this desperate flight for freedom, four young people—each from very different backgrounds and each with dark secrets—connect as they vie for passage on the Willhelm Gustloff, a former pleasure cruiser used to evacuate the refugees. Packed...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Magazine
Reviewed on February 1, 2016
The stories of four young adults -- each haunted by a secret -- converge in this heartbreaking illumination of a little-known WWII tragedy. As Russian soldiers push Nazi forces back to the Baltic Sea, thousands of refugees from the occupied Eastern European countries -- including Prussian defector Florian; Emilia, fifteen and pregnant, from Poland; and Joana, a young Lithuanian woman valued for her medical skills -- flee toward the slim hope of evacuation by sea. The narrative gains momentum as the travelers near their destination: the port of Got...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Guide
Reviewed on April 1, 2016
The stories of four young adults converge in this illumination of a little-known WWII tragedy. As Russian soldiers push Nazi forces back, E...Log In or Sign Up to Read More