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School Library Journal
Reviewed on June 1, 2017 | Middle To High School
Gr 4–6—An in-depth look at dinosaurs, geography, and evolution, presented through an appealing framing device. After Ronnie fails her dinosaur quiz, she travels back in time with her neighbor Miss Lernin, a paleontologist, for a firsthand lesson. The two visit four different time periods: the late Triassic, the late Jurassic, the "early-ish, almost middle Cretaceous," and the late Cretaceous. Miss Lernin educates Ronnie on the geography...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Magazine
Reviewed on June 1, 2018
When Ronnie flunks her dinosaur quiz, quirky neighbor Miss Lernin, a paleontologist, whisks them back to the late Triassic; other periods ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More