Draw the Line

By OTOSHI, Kathryn

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Roaring Brook


School Library Journal

Starred Review on October 1, 2017  |  Picture Books

PreS-Gr 2— Two boys have their backs to each other as they draw lines on the ground. When they run into each other, they decide to join their lines. One boy picks up the line, which has turned into a string, and starts playing with it. The other boy thinks this is funny—until the string gets caught around him and yanks him off his feet. Then he is angry, especially since the other boy laughs. He gets up and deliberately tugs on the string, yanking the laughing boy off his feet. The string starts to fray a...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

Horn Book Magazine

Reviewed on March 1, 2018

Two boys drawing lines on the ground accidentally back into each other, which sparks the idea to join forces. Their merged ...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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