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School Library Journal
Reviewed on June 1, 2018 | YA
Gr 8 Up-Jane Eyre blasts into outer space. In the far-distant future, volcanic eruptions have caused a new ice age on Earth, forcing the population to flee into space, orbiting the planet on a fleet of starships. Stella Ainsley lives aboard the Stalwart, a struggling food supply ship, where she teaches Earth history and helps in the engineering department; but as her 18th birthday draws closer, so, too, does her permanent job assignment. Stella is desperate to leave the ship before she's permanently assigned to the engineering d...Log In or Sign Up to Read More
Horn Book Guide
Reviewed on March 1, 2019
Another ice age has sent humanity to live on spaceships. Stella escapes an impoverished life on a decaying space vessel and takes a governe...Log In or Sign Up to Read More