Unbreakable: The Spies Who Cracked the Nazis' Secret Code

By BARONE, Rebecca E.F.

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School Library Journal

Starred Review on September 2, 2022  |  NF-Middle School To High School

Gr 5–8—Deciphering the infamous German military code—helping to end the Second World War—began with the mistaken delivery of an early Enigma code machine to a Polish customs office in 1929. But the focus here is mostly on the heroic work done in the 1930s and 1940s by Polish, French, and British spies and mathematicians, around the clock and under tremendous, often life-threatening, pressure. Some readers will be familiar with computing pioneer Alan Turing and his significant work on the codebreaking project at England's Bletchley Park. But Barone brings mu...Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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