They Built Me for Freedom: The Story of Juneteenth and Houston's Emancipation Park

By ELLIS, Tonya Duncan

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HarperCollins Balzer + Bray


School Library Journal

Starred Review on July 1, 2024  |  Elementary

PreS-Gr 3—Though nonfiction, this lyrical picture book is narrated in the voice of the Emancipation Park in Houston, TX, itself, exploring its history and its promise. Land for the park was purchased in 1872 to commemorate Freedom Day, the precursor to Juneteenth. Evocative phrases—"They built me to show they were strong" and "Singing songs of jubilee … running free"—capture the essence of each spread. Vignettes throughout the book illustrate different eras, with the first few illustrations set in a contemporary celebration....Log In or Sign Up to Read More

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